Session: Poster Session 2.S09
Theme / Area: 5. Population Genetics

Genetic relationships of semi-feral sub-populations of Ecuadorian highland creole horse “Paramero” (Caballo Paramero Ecuatoriano)
Prof. Jorge Navarrete-Mera, Eng. Viviana Pazmiño, Dr. Marco Coral-Almeida, Eng. Camila Lara, Mr. Diego Alarcón, Eng. Andrés Ambuludí, Eng. Katherin Barrionuevo-Pérez, Dr. Amparo Martínez-Martínez, Dr. José Luis Vega-Pla, Prof. Germán Burgos

The genetic structure of the Maltese analysed with genome-wide SNP array data
Dr. Joanna Vella, Dr Christopher Phillips, Dr Jacobo Pardo Seco, Prof Antonio Salas Ellacuriaga, Dr Inés Quintela García,, Dr Maria de la Puente, Ms Ruth Galdies, Dr Josef Borg, Prof Joseph Borg, Prof María Victoria Lareu, Prof Ángel Carracedo, Prof Alex Felice