
Session: Poster Session 3.S11

Theme / Area: 2. New Technologies and Applications

Comparison of MPS methodologies for Individual identification based in STRs, mitochondrial DNA and SNPs in ancient DNA samples

Mr. Roger Anglada, Mrs. Raquel Rasal, Mrs. Cristina Santos, Mr. Marc Tormo, Mrs Núria Bonet

Advancing Semen Detection Techniques: Utilizing STK®Sperm Tracker to Emphasize Traces and Potentially Define Time Since Deposition (TSD)

Dr. Selena Cisana, Dr. Monica Omedei, Dr. Paolo Garofano, Aurora Desogus, Giorgia Ferrero, Florian Tharin, Dr Eugenio Alladio

Detection of mitochondrial genome in degraded and inhibitor samples with ForenSeq mtDNA Whole Genome Kit

Prof. Fei Guo, Prof. Fu Ren

MVCall: An automatic nanopore sequencing analysis pipeline for variation and heterogeneity identification of mitogenome

Dr. Jing Liu, Miss. Hong Zhu, Prof. Zheng Wang, Prof. Linchuan Liao, Prof. Yiping Hou

Forensic potential of low-frequency, single-base substitutions in human mitochondrial genome

Dr. Marina Korolija, Mag.biol.mol. Viktorija Sukser, Prof. Kristian Vlahoviček

A survey of human microhaplotype variation and panel design with MicroHapDB

Dr. Daniel Standage, Dr. Daniele Podini, Dr. Chris Phillips

An NGS-based Typing Panel of Human Multi-source Genetic Markers

Dr. Hui Sun, Dr. Lei Shang, Mr. Guangshu Ding, Mr. Wanshui Li, Mr. Zhengliang Yu, Mrs. Liping Yuan, Dr. Jing Sun