
Session: Poster Session 4.S08

Theme / Area: 2. New Technologies and Applications

Effects of DNA polymerases with different properties on error types and rates in PCR and sequencing of STR markers

Mrs. Tova Lindh, Dr. Maja Sidstedt, Dr. Johannes Hedman

Bridging towards ISO 17025 accreditation: Validating automated NGS-based technology with Qiagen ForenSeq MainstAY (MainstAY) and ForenSeq mtDNA Control Region (mtDNA-CR) kits at Bordeaux's Fo

Dr. Julien Papin, Dr. Mathilde Flamant, Sir Guillaume Monique, Madam Audrey Esponda, Sir Antoine Doutremepuich, Pr. Christian Doutremepuich

Visual identification for species and sex derived from bloodstain based on phosphate-mediated isothermal amplification colorimetric system

Wenjing Hu, Huyun Zhou, Junli Li, Piao Yuan, Liwei Zhang, Xiaonan Liu, Jiangwei Yan