
Session: Poster Session 1.S04

Theme / Area: 6. Statistics and Interpretation

Bridging expertise and data-driven approaches in forensic analysis: Validation of the DNA Decision Support Tool

Dr. Corina Benschop, Maartje Luijsterburg, Brechtje Hoegen, Claire Wagenaar, Charissa van Kooten, Dr. Margreet van den Berge, Francisca Duijs, Pieterjan Sjoukema, Dr. Rolf Ypma

An open source tool for simulating single source and mixed DNA profiles involving relatives and linked loci

Dr. Maarten Kruijver, Dr. Jo-Anne Bright

KongohPlus: An R-shiny package for probabilistic genotyping software based on an MCMC approach

Dr. Sho Dr. Sho Manabe, Dr. Masaki Hashiyada, Dr. Atsushi Akane

A comparison of likelihood ratios obtained from EuroForMix and STRmix™ for two and three contributor mixture profiles

Dr. Manuela Saccente, Dr. Alessandra Caglià, Dr. Alessandra La Rosa, Prof. Stefano D'Amelio