Session: Poster Session 4.S12
Theme / Area: 1. Human Identification
LR values in the identificacion of victims of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The experience of a big consortium.
Prof. Eduardo Arroyo-pardo, Dr. Mar Costa Roger, Prof. Claudia Lopes Gomes, Prof. Sara Palomo-Díez, Dr. Manuel Lozano García, Dr. Sara Bravo Gómez, Prof. Cristina Santos Pereira, Dra. Raquel Rasal Soteras, Dra. Nuria Bonet Martin, Prof. Assumpció Malgosa Morera, Dr. Eduardo Tizzano Ferrari, Dr. Enric Tartera Bieto, Prof. Ana López-Parra
Genetic typing of Italian soldiers found in a Second World War mass grave: a preliminary report
Mrs. Barbara Di Stefano, Dr. Barbara Bertoglio, Mrs. Monica Concato, Dr. Solange Sorçaburu Ciglieri, Mr. Alessandro Bosetti, Mrs. Yasmine Addoum, Mrs. Raffaella Vetrini, Dr. Carlo Previderè, Dr. Paolo Fattorini