
Theme / Area: 1. Human Identification

Investigating Touch DNA Success Rates in Vehicle Sites for Hit-and-Run Casework

Mr Ahmed A. Abdullahi, Dr Salem Alketbi, Mr. Nashmi Aidarous, Dr. Hussein Alghanim, Ms. Halima Alawadhi, Ms. Amna Alrazouqi, Ms. Shamma Alshehhi, Ms. Aisha Alsabhan, Ms. Noura Aldabal, Ms. Alanoud Alsaadi

Enhancing Trace DNA Recovery in Forensic Casework Samples, Evaluation of Amplicon RxTM Post-PCR Clean-up Kit on GlobalFiler™ PCR Products

Mrs. Naeema Al Janahi, Ms Maryam Almheiri, Mrs Suaad AlShehhi, Mr Salem Alketbi, Ms Afra Sanqoor, Mr Hussein Alghanim


Mrs. Adriana Alayon, Giselle Cuervo-Perez, Angie Luna, Luis Mogollon, Angela Vargas, Francisco Gonzalez, Dr. Juan Yunis


Dr. Dragana Zgonjanin, Dr Rashed Alghafri, Prof Peter L. Nagy, Prof Stojan Petković

Mitochondrial DNA sequencing for forensic human identification on a sample of the Saudi Arabian Population

Dr. Dinah Aloraer, Dr William Goodwin

Influence of fragment lengths in DNA mixtures for mitochondrial sequence analysis

Lena Ewers, Bettina Zimmermann, Gabriela Huber, Walther Parson, Mrs. Christina Amory

Evaluation of Genomic Methods for Sex Prediction of Historical Remains

Dr. Kimberly Sturk-Andreaggi, Dr. Andreas Tillmar, Jennifer Higginbotham, Dr. Marie Allen, Dr. Charla Marshall

Exploring the Long-Term DNA Stability on Buccal 4N6FLOQSwabs® in Simulated Paternity Cases using a Traditional and an Alternative Forensic Workflow

Mrs. Anna Franzoni

LR values in the identificacion of victims of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The experience of a big consortium.

Prof. Eduardo Arroyo-pardo, Dr. Mar Costa Roger, Prof. Claudia Lopes Gomes, Prof. Sara Palomo-Díez, Dr. Manuel Lozano García, Dr. Sara Bravo Gómez, Prof. Cristina Santos Pereira, Dra. Raquel Rasal Soteras, Dra. Nuria Bonet Martin, Prof. Assumpció Malgosa Morera, Dr. Eduardo Tizzano Ferrari, Dr. Enric Tartera Bieto, Prof. Ana López-Parra

Is it really necessary to include the Y-STRs in autosomal STR multiplex kits to help determine the number of mixture contributors?

Prof. Francesco Ausania, Dr. Giulia Soldati, Dr. Chiara Saccardo, Dr. Dario Raniero, Prof. Domenico De Leo, Prof. Stefania Turrina

Simplified DE Method for the RapidHIT ID to Obtain Investigative Leads from Sexual Assault Evidence

Ms Daniella Gonzalez Torado, Ms Brooke Bass, Jason Werking, Rob Lagace, Dr. Jack Ballantyne, Dr. Erin Hanson


Dr. Anna Barbaro, Angelo La Marca, Giacomo Falcone

Genetic Identification of victims of the Spanish Civil War and Dictatorship in the Cuelgamuros Valley (Madrid – Spain).

Dr. Pedro A. Barrio, Mrs. María del Carmen González-Albo, Mrs. Beatriz Heinrichs, Mr. Pablo Martín, Dr. Antonio Alonso

Usefulness of one-off DNA database searches in Switzerland

Dr. Patrick Basset, Dr. Lydie Samie, Dr. Frédéric Grosjean, Dr. Vincent Castella

Forensic Genetic Identification of Human Remains – A quantitative workflow approach adapted for DNA profiling and haplotyping.

Mrs. Mounia - Widad BESSEKRI

Ongoing research to assess the recovery of nuclear DNA from seminal fluid applied to mock human sexual assault victims exposed to high-intensity, low duration fires

Mrs. Brittania Bintz, Mrs. Hannah Noel, Mr. Darren Solomon, Mr. Dave Schauble, Mr. Charles Giblin, Dr. Rebecca George, Dr. Nicholas Passalacqua

Genetic identification of human remains in Mexico – is the 8-dye PowerPlex® 35GY System suitable for degraded tissues?

Mrs. Valentina Leonie Birne, Dr. Franziska Holz, PD Dr. Christoph Birngruber, Prof. Dr. Marcel A. Verhoff, Prof. Dr. Richard Zehner

The importance of staff genetic profiles in DNA databases

Mrs. Vanessa Bogas, Paula Cardoso, Ana Margarida Bento, Francisco Corte Real, Pedro Brito

Expanding the Base: Adding STR sequencing into STRBase

Mrs. Lisa Borsuk, Dr. Peter Vallone, Dr. Katherine Gettings

Head over Heels? Your DNA says otherwise: insight into ICMP's unique bone database.

Mrs. Chiara Boveri, Mrs. Afifa Chowdhury

Performance comparison between a novel pentameric STR panel and well-established STR kits for kinship and mixture resolution

Amaia Cabrejas-Olalla, Dr. María de la Puente, Dr. Ana Freire-Aradas, Adrián Ambroa-Conde, Jorge Ruiz-Ramírez, Javier González-Bao, Lucía Casanova-Adán, Miguel Boullón-Cassau, Amelia Rodríguez-López, Dr. Christopher Phillips, Dr. Maria Victoria Lareu, Dr. Ana Mosquera-Miguel

Unveiling MSR: The Genesis of a Device for the Assessment of Fingermarks and their Genetic Identification

Ms. Clara Camprubi-Aumatell, Dr. Michele Di Nunzio, MSc Vanessa Maroto-Nouveau, Dr. Josep De Alcaraz-Fossoul, Dr. Carme Barrot-Feixat

Improved identification of victims from the Spanish Civil War with NGS technology

Mrs. Sandra Carbó-Ramírez, Mr. Alan Codoñer-Alejos, Dr. Anabel Gil-Tebar, Mrs. Cristina Bernat-Quesada, Dr. Fernando González-Candelas, Dr. Llúcia Martínez-Priego

STR isoalleles detection in Capillary Electrophoresis

Dr. Eugenia Carnevali

Noninvasive prenatal paternity testing: a new contribution from DIP-STRs markers

Ms. Laura Carrara, Prof. Franco Taroni, Prof. Diana Hall

Assessment of simultaneous DNA/RNA/Protein extraction from human remains

Mrs. Maria Josefina Castagnola, Dr. Francisco Medina-Paz, Dr. Sara C.Zapico

The Improved Ancient DNA Extraction Method was Applied to Human Remains Research

Mrs. Guihong Liu, Mrs. Shengqiu Qu, Mrs. Qiushuo Wu, Mrs. Yazi Zheng, Mrs. Mengyu Tan, Mr. Jiaming Xue, Mrs. Meili Lv, Dr. Xiameng Chen, Mr. Lin Zhang, Mr. Weibo Liang

Recurring PCR artefacts observed in forensic STR typing of human skeletal remains: possible explanations and interpretation strategies

Dr. Elena Chierto, Dr. Alessia Riem, Dr. Serena Aneli, Dr. Giulia Sguazzi, Prof. Sarah Gino, Prof. Carlo Robino

Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy patterns in hair shaft samples: Insights from Whole Mitogenome Sequencing using the Precision ID mtDNA Whole Genome Panel

Mrs. Floor Claessens, MSc. Maryam Farzad, Dr. Walther Parson, PhD Claus Børsting, PhD Vania Pereira

Can useable male DNA profiles be obtained from seminal fractions where no spermatozoa have been visualised after differential lysis and microscope slide preparation?

Dr. Tim Clayton

Developmental Validation Testing of the Integrated Quantifiler™ Trio-HRM Mixture Screening Assay

Dr. Tracey Dawson Green, Dr. Chastyn Smith, Dr. Ed Boone

Analysis of Allelic Alteration in STR and InDel Markers for Human Identification: the challenge of Tumoral Tissue.

Dr. Arianna Delicati, Dr. Pamela Tozzo, Prof. Luciana Caenazzo

12 real forensic caseworks solved by the DNA STR-typing of skeletal remains exposed to extremely environment conditions, without the conventional bone pulverization step

Dr Chiara Della Rocca, Dr. Gavino Piras, Dr. Andrea Berti, Dr. Alessandro Mameli


Dr. Aldo Di Nunzio, Prof Nadia Tinto, Dr Fernanda Iafusco, Prof Pierpaolo Di Lorenzo, Prof Massimo Niola, Dr Maurizio Saliva, Dr Ciro Di Nunzio

Burial practices in Southern Italy and DNA analysis: state of the art and future perspectives

Dr. Ciro Di Nunzio, Prof. Nadia Tinto, Dr. Fernanda Iafusco, Prof. Pierpaolo Di Lorenzo, Prof. Niola Massimo, Dr. Maurizio Saliva, Dr. Aldo Di Nunzio

From dactyloscopy to the Minimum Surface Requirement (MSR). A preliminary study to assess DNA genotyping from fingermarks.

Dr. Michele Di Nunzio, MSc Vanessa Maroto-Nouveau, MSc Clara Camprubí-Aumatell, Dr. Josep De Alcaraz-Fossoul, Dr. Carme Barrot-Feixat

Genetic typing of Italian soldiers found in a Second World War mass grave: a preliminary report

Mrs. Barbara Di Stefano, Dr. Barbara Bertoglio, Mrs. Monica Concato, Dr. Solange Sorçaburu Ciglieri, Mr. Alessandro Bosetti, Mrs. Yasmine Addoum, Mrs. Raffaella Vetrini, Dr. Carlo Previderè, Dr. Paolo Fattorini

Massively parallel sequencing of trace DNA – better than CE?

Mrs. Lisa Dierig, Prof. Sebastian N. Kunz, Prof. Peter Wiegand

Hair root staining and STR typing.

Mr. Joseph Donfack

Developmental Validation of the Maxwell® DE System for Efficient Sperm Cell Separation in Sexual Assault Sample Analysis

Elizabeth Hamilton, Nicholas Courtney, Mrs. Margaret Ewing, Robert McLaren, Jonelle Thompson

MPS Library preparation optimization and quality control with QIAxcel Connect System for low template DNA samples

Mrs. Chiara Fantinato, Mr Arne Roseth, Dr Ane Elida Fonneløp

Single cell sorting of spermatozoa: a validation study for integration in forensic casework

Mrs. Kristina Fokias, Dr. Ir. Iene Rutten, Prof. Jeroen Lammertyn, Prof. Bram Bekaert

Impact of additional STR loci and maternal inclusion on the accuracy of duo and trio paternity tests: A comparative study

Ms. Hannah Fontanil, Prof. Tasnim Munshi, Dr. Thomas Haizel, Dr. Sasitaran Iyavoo

Dr. Ivana Furač, Mrs. Marijana Mašić, Dr. Monika Karija Vlahović, Prof. Milovan Kubat

Dr. Ivana Furač

DNA profiling of burnt teeth: Effects of burning temperature on DNA quantification and profiling success

Mr. Adriaan Geldenhuys, Ms Donna-Lee Martin, Dr. Calvin Mole, Dr. Laura Heathfield

Evaluation of the effectiveness of microhaplotypes in analyzing degraded DNA specimens

Dr. Fabiano Gentile, Dr. Filomena Melchionda, Dr. Federica Alessandrini, Dr. Domenico Colloca, Dr. Alberto Marino, Prof. Chiara Turchi

Molecular analysis of ancient human remains belonging to multiple unknown burials discovered in an Italian middle age archaeological site

Dr. Denise Gianfreda, PhD Beatrice Corradini, Dr. Francesca Ferrari, Dr. Ilaria Borciani, Dr. Laura Donato, PhD, Associate Professor Cristian Capelli, PhD Gianmarco Ferri, MD, Full Professor Rossana Cecchi

Degradation of DNA Extracts Stored Under Different Conditions: What We Know and What Is New

Prof. Sarah Gino, Dott. Giulia Sguazzi, PhD Selena Cisana, Gen. Dott. Luciano Garofano, MD, PhD Paolo Garofano, Dott. Pasquale Linarello, PhD Monica Omedei, Dott. Luca Salvaderi, PhD Noemi Procopio

DNA-assisted Identification of human remains in the Iraqi context

Dr Mohammed Mashni Farhan, Dr. William Goodwin

Bidirectional Transfer of DNA in Controlled Experimental Settings: Providing New Insights into Transfer Events

Ms Georga Sallows, Dr Duncan Taylor, Dr Roland van Oorschot, Dr. Mariya Goray

Shaping the French scientific police genetic units to deal with massive analyses

Dr. Morgan Grau, Ms Coraline Hugonnet, Ms Anaïs Missey, Ms Jessica Michel, Ms Michèle Hernandez, Ms Charlotte Carrasco, Ms Élodie Suzanne, Dr. Laetitia Burban, Dr. Anne Thebaut, Ms Marie Goujard, Dr. Thierry Soto

Evaluation of the usefulness of insertion-null markers in critical skeletal remains

Dr. Christian Haarkötter, Dr. María Saiz, Ms. Xiomara Gálvez, Dr. Diana C. Vinueza-Espinosa, Ms. María Isabel Medina-Lozano, Dr. Juan Carlos Álvarez, Dr. Jose Antonio Lorente

Optimisation and evaluation of forensic DNA recovery from post-mortem nail samples

Prof. Laura Heathfield, Ms Tia Ackermans, Mrs Aqeelah Salie, Ms Tracy Bennett, Mrs Kate Reid

Use of 3915 kinship SNPs-Microarrays in missing person identification in the absence of two generations

Degree Sebastian Biagini, PhD Santiago Ginart, Technician Malena Canteros, Degree Federico Picado, PhD Valeria Genoud, PhD Andrea Constanza Mayordomo, PhD Nicolas Furman, Degree Florencia Gagliardi, Dr. Mariana Herrera Piñero

Revolutionizing Forensic DNA Analysis: The PowerPlex® 18E System

Dr. Andy Hopwood, Dr Michael Lauck, Dr Elizabeth Hamilton, Dr Jonelle Thompson, Dr Robert S McLaren

From Death to Discovery: Forensic Biology at Human Decomposition Facilities

Dr. Sheree Hughes, Ms Haeli Kennedy, Dr Rachel Houston

Evaluating the effects of environmental insults on presumptive and confirmatory tests and DNA recovery from blood samples

Dr. Bushra Idris

The ICRC's Forensic Genetic Centre: Operational Setup for DNA Application in Missing Person Identification in South Caucasus

Dr. Lejla Smajlovic-Skenderagic, Sejla Idrizbegovic, Yana Malkhazova, Nino Rostiashvili, Mustafa Sakic, Jane Amelia Taylor, Pierre Guyomarc’h

Automation and LIMS development for the PowerSeq CRM mtDNA Assay

Dr. Jodi Irwin, Mrs. Michelle Galusha, Dr. Michael Brandhagen, Mrs. Robyn Wolfe

Shotgun RNA sequencing of low template blood samples provides information for multiple forensic genetic purposes

Ms. Alberte Honore Jepsen, Dr. Marie-Louise Kampmann, Dr. Stine Bøttcher Jacobsen, Dr. Claus Børsting, Dr. Jeppe Dyrberg Andersen

Preparations for shotgun sequencing analyses in forensic genetics

Dr. Marie-Louise Kampmann, Dr. Claus Børsting, Ms. Alberte Honore Jepsen, Prof. Niels Morling, Dr. Mikkel Meyer Andersen, Dr. Jeppe D. Andersen

Evaluation of mutation rates in Nigerian father-son pairs using Y-STR markers

Mr. Simon Knights, Miss Sharlize Pedroza Matute, Dr. Thomas Haizel, Dr. Oyenike Arike Adeyemo, Prof. Syed Sibte Hadi, Dr. Sasitaran Iyavoo

Effects of Fingerprint Enhancement Techniques on Forensic DNA Recovery

Dr. Xiaoyang Li, Mr Yong Sheng Lee, Ms Susan Chua, Ms Ying Yin Loh, Mr Khah Kok Leong, Ms Su Yun Seet, Ms Nur Ayuni Sulaiman, Dr. Kiu-Choong Syn

A 25 Loci Mini-STR System to Facilitate Analysis of Degraded DNA


Performance Comparison of Two RapidHIT™ ID Cartridge Types for Forensic Leads

Mr. Hong Han Lim, Dr. Christopher, Kiu-Choong Syn, Mr. Baoqiang Heng

Development and Validation of A MPS-based 512-plex SNP Panel for Degradative Forensic Samples

Mr. Linyu Shi, Mr. Mengyang Zhao, Mrs. Jiarong Zhang, Mrs. Wenjing Hu, Mrs. Piao Yuan, Mrs. Xiaomeng Zhang, Mr. Liwei Zhang, Dr. Haoliang Fan, Prof. Jiangwei Yan


Dr. Manuel Lozano García, Dra Laura Jiménez Villegas, Dra Sara Bravo Gómez, Dra Sara Palomo-Díez, Dra Cláudia Gomes, Dr Eduardo Arroyo-Pardo, Dra Ana María López Parra

Small RNA Sequencing Reveals Age-Associated miRNAs in Human Blood Samples

Ms. Yanfang Lu, Prof. Suhua Zhang, Dr. Anqi Chen, Prof Chengtao Li

Constructing a microbial model for differentiating monozygotic twins using the combination of feature selection and likelihood ratio when there are two suspects

Dr. Guanju Ma, Dr. Guangping Fu, Mr. Shujie Dou, Dr. Qian Wang, Prof. Lihong Fu, Dr. Xiaojing Zhang, Dr. Chaolong Lu, Prof. Bin Cong, Prof. Shujin Li


Ms. Lisa Malan, A/Prof Laura Heathfield, Mrs Chandra Finaughty, Prof Victoria Gibbon

Investigation of a Y-chromosome deletion affecting amelogenin-based sex typing in forensics using CE and MPS methods

Dr. Magdalena Marcińska, MSc Agnieszka Parys-Proszek, MSc Maria Wróbel

Identification of decades-old bone samples by microhaplotype markers

Dr. Filomena Melchionda, Dr. Barbara Bertoglio, Dr. Barbara Di Stefano, Dr. Fabiano Gentile, Prof. Chiara Turchi, Prof. Carlo Previderè, Prof. Paolo Fattorini

Can human DNA aid in the investigation of animal abuse?

Ms. Heidi Monkman, Dr Roland van Oorschot, Dr Mariya Goray


Dr. Miriam Baeta, Dr. Caterina Raffone, Olatz Moreno-López, Dr Lourdes Herrasti, Dr. Francisco Etxeberria, Dr. Marta Arroyo-Izaga, Dr Iñigo Olalde, Dr. Marian Martinez de Pancorbo

DNA Extraction from One Step Urine Drug Screen Test for STR Typing

Dr. Mónika Nogel, Vivien Fejes, Prof Gábor Kovács, Dr. Viktor Soma Poór

Illicit Drug Distribution: Evaluation of DNA Transfer between Ziplock Bags and Capsules

Mrs. Madison Nolan, Associate Professor Julianne Henry, Professor Adrian Linacre

Preliminary results of classic Sanger and Next Generation Sequencing mitotypes comparison of Second World War victims' skeletal remains

Mr. Marcel Obal, Dr. Irena Zupanič Pajnič, Barbara Gornjak Pogorelc


Dr. Yu Na Oh, Dr. Jung-Hyun Park

Single nucleotide polymorphism–short tandem repeats analysis system for Japanese people

Dr. Tsukasa Ohuchi, Dr Shotaro Mimasaka

Elucidating the dynamics of trace DNA evidence in pickpocket scenarios

Lauren Hoopes, Tiffany Kreidler, Dr. Bas Kokshoorn, Dr. Fabio Oldoni

Relevant sampling areas on firearms for the reconstruction of shooting scenario involving two individuals

Mrs. Martina Onofri, Dr. Federica Tommolini, Dr. Simona Severini, Prof. Massimo Lancia, Dr. Eugenia Carnevali

Kinship testing using X-STR linkage groups on a Tamil pedigree

Ms. Sharlize Pedroza Matute, Dr Thomas Haizel, Dr Sasitaran Iyavoo


Prof. Susi Pelotti, Dr Federica Alessandrini, Dr Filippo Barni, Dr Andrea Berti, Dr Carla Bini, Dr Loredana Buscemi, Prof Sarah Gino, Dr Fabio Oldoni, Prof Andrea Piccinini, Prof Carlo Robino, Prof Paolo Fattorini

Comparison of DNA Extraction Methods for Telogen Hair Samples

Ms. Cathrine Bie Petersen, Ms Floor A.J. Claessens, Dr. Maryam Sharafi Farzad, Dr. Helle Smidt Mogensen, Dr. Claus Børsting, Dr. Marie-Louise Kampmann

DNA Preservation in highly degraded skeletal remains from the Vietnam assessed by various extraction methods, quantitative PCR, and MPS testing with nuclear SNP panels

Ms. Ngoc. N Nguyen, Mrs. Thi D. Le, Mr. Anh T. Vu, Mr. Hoang P. Do, Mrs. Huyen L. Tran, Mr. Manh H. Tran, Ms. Phuong Pham, Mrs. Thi Thanh M. Bui, Ms. Thi T. Hoang, Mrs. Thi Tuyet L. Ninh, Mr. Viet V. Tran, Mr. Kieren Hill, Dr. Bethany Forsythe, Dr. Thomas Parsons, Dr. Trung T. Tran

The contribution of seawater in DNA degradation: comparison of genetic results from skeletal remains affected by different taphonomic conditions in forensic contexts

Mr. Mattia Porcu, M.D., Ph.D Lorenzo Franceschetti, Ph.D Venusia Cortellini, Ph.D Lucia Casarino, B.Sc. Debora Mazzarelli, Prof. Francesco Ventura, Prof. Cristina Cattaneo, Prof. Andrea Verzeletti, M.D., Ph.D Camilla Tettamanti

Unraveling genetic variants: isoalleles at the DXS10146 locus may cause genotyping errors

Dr Mariana Alegria, Dr Marisa Faustino, Prof. Maria João Prata, Dr Nádia Pinto, Dr Iva Gomes

Diagenetic research of factors influencing the performance of biomolecular investigations of human skeletal remains from Spanish Civil War graves.

Dr. Caterina Raffone

Testing Methods for the Maximum Recovery of DNA from Degraded Remains

Mr. Erin Rawls, Dr. Matthew Emery, Miss Amber Coffman, Miss Stevie Winingear, Dr. Amanda Wissler, Dr. Katelyn Bolhofner, Dr. Jane Buikstra, Dr. Laura Fulginiti, Dr. Adam Rohrlach, Dr. Sreetharan Kanthaswamy, Dr. Cody Parker, Dr. Anne Stone

Prüm implementation in the UK: An example of success through collaboration

Mr. Andrew Revoir, Holly Lancaster, Katherine Bache, Shazia Khan

Inter-platform evaluation of a large-scale tri-allelic SNP panel for forensic identification: the MPSplex panel

J Ruiz-Ramírez, F Bittner, TJ Parsons, A Tillmar, L Vangeel, I Grandell, M Eduardoff, A Ambroa-Conde, A Mosquera-Miguel, A Freire-Aradas, K Elliott, MV Lareu, C Phillips, M de la Puente

Evaluation of DNA from teeth subjected to various extreme ante-mortem degradation factors: preliminary study

Prof. Ana María Salazar, Prof. Ariel Castro, Prof. Patricia Huerta, Prof. Anna Barbaro

The Growing Impact of Rapid DNA Testing on Disaster Victim Identification

Dr. Richard Selden, Dr. Ranjana Grover, Dr. Eugene Tan

When secondary DNA transfer is crucial to solving the case

Dr. Simona Severini, Dr. Federica Tommolini, Mrs. Martina Onofri, Prof. Luigi Carlini, Dr. Eugenia Carnevali

Recommendations for identifying disaster victims from the “Mass Grave Project”: forensic genetics issues

Dr. Giulia Sguazzi, Miss. Greta Peroni, Dr. Nicole Colombo, Dr. Moya McCarthy-Allen, PhD Hayley L. Mickleburgh, PhD. Daniel J. Wescott, PhD Timothy P. Gocha, PhD Noemi Procopio, MD Sarah Gino

A comparison of likelihood ratios between STR sequencing and capillary electrophoresis for a set of complex mixtures

Dr. Maja Sidstedt, Dr. Arvid H. Gynnå, Dr. Johannes Hedman, Dr. Ronny Hedell

Crassify: A Tool for Identifying CrAss-like Phages, the Predominant Human Gut Bacteriophages, as Indicators of Fecal Environmental Contamination

Ms. Linda Smith

Internal Validation of MaSTR™ and NOCIt® Software: A Casework Lab Perspective

Dr. Teresa Snyder-leiby, MS Sarah Copeland, MR Edward Bouton, MR Daniel Erb, MR Eric Podlaszewski, MS LeAnne Suchanek, MR James Todd, Dr. Karen Zavarella

Monitoring success rates of touch DNA samples in cases of volume crime in a high-throughput German police lab

Dr. Jens Söchtig, Dr. Cadja Lassen, Dr. Christian Vidal

Evaluation of three sampling methods for the recovery of touch DNA from metal items

Dr. Katharine Gammon, Miss Sally Stansbie, Ms. Abi Pulker

A multi disciplinary approach to the identification of sandy point man

Mrs. April Stock, Dr. Dadna Hartman, Dr. Soren Blau, Ms Fiona Leahy, Dr Jodie Leditschke, Dr Lyndall Smythe, Dr Samantha Rowbotham

Inference of forensic body fluids/tissues based on mitochondrial DNA copy number: a preliminary study

Ran Li, Jingyi Yang, Prof. Hongyu Sun

bs-LIMS®: a unique tool for mass human identification applied to LR threshold calibration for kinship analyses

Dr. Lorelei Barraud, Dr. Laurent Tournois, Dr. Ingrid Masse, Dr. François Guidet, Dr. Didier Hatsch

Microhaplotypes: from exploration to application in forensic genetics

Prof. Chiara Turchi, Dr. Filomena Melchionda, Prof. Mauro Pesaresi, Dr. Fabiano Gentile, Dr. Alberto Marino, Dr. Domenico Colloca, Dr. Andrew J. Pakstis, Prof. Kenneth K. Kidd

Transfer of DNA during a slap and a punch of a face

Mr Sean Galea, Dr Annalisa Durdle, Dr. Roland van Oorschot

An Optimised MPSplex QIAseq Workflow for Highly Degraded Post-Mortem Bone Samples.

Mrs. Lisa Vangeel, Mr. Bas van Haperen, Mrs. Thi Dung L, Mr. Trung Thanh T, Mr. Thomas Parsons, Mrs. Bethany Forsythe

Optimizing Template Input: Complex Family pedigrees M-FISys with LIMS

Dr. Diana C. Vinueza-Espinosa, GRD. María Isabel Medina-Lozano, Dr. María Saiz, Lab. Tech Xiomara Gálvez, Dr. Christian Haarkötter, Dr. José Antonio Lorente, Dr. Juan Carlos Álvarez

Inference of the number of contributors and involved kinship in complex DNA mixtures using machine learning

Mr. Haoyu Wang, Prof. Ji Zhang

Exploring Immunomagnetic Isolation of Spermatozoa

Ms. Julia Wang, Samantha Davis, Dr. Sheree Hughes, Dr. Brendan Chapman, Dr. Andrew Currie, Dr. Rachel Houston

Investigation into the bacteria from the skin and touched substrate for personal identification

Mrs. Shuangshuang Wang, Prof. Feng Song, Prof. Weibo Liang, Prof. Yanyun Wang, Prof. Haibo Luo

Forensic and population genetic analysis of the X-STR loci in the ForenSeq™ Signature Prep Kit in the Ghanaian population

Dr Pet-Paul Wepeba, Dr William Goodwin

Investigation into the Effects of Gunshot Residue on STR PCR Inhibition in DNA Testing from Firearms

Dr. Christian Westring, Ms Liz Kopitke, Dr. Toni Diegoli, Mr. Todd Bille

Effect of adhesive removal solvents on touch DNA

Mrs. Zoe Wood, Ms Sarah Kirk

A strategy for screening high-quality variants from low-depth whole genome sequencing data by bloodstains to discriminate monozygotic twins

Mr. Enlin Wu, Mr. Zhiyong Liu, Prof. Hongyu Sun

Concurrent detection of mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA in hair shaft samples using an using an all-in-one multiplex system

Prof. Riga Wu, Dr. Dan Peng, Mrs. Yu Zang, Mrs. Nana Wang, Mr. Zhentang Liu, Prof. Hongyu Sun

A case of tetragametic chimerism identified during a routine paternity testing case. A Case Report.

Dr. Juan Yunis, Adriana Giselle Cuervo-Perez, Angie Luna, Luis Mogollon, Adriana Alayon, Dr. Luz Yunis

Investigation into the enhancement of unique molecular identifiers applied in the MH-MPS panel for genotyping unbalanced mixed DNA

Dr. Qiang Zhu, Prof. Ji Zhang

Comparison of DNA preservation between petrous bone and tooth cementum analysing five skeletons from the modern era archaeological site

Prof. Irena Zupanič Pajnič, assist. prof. Tamara Leskovar, Marcel Obal, Barbara Gornjak Pogorelc