
Session: Poster Session 4.S07

Theme / Area: 1. Human Identification

Is it really necessary to include the Y-STRs in autosomal STR multiplex kits to help determine the number of mixture contributors?

Prof. Francesco Ausania, Dr. Giulia Soldati, Dr. Chiara Saccardo, Dr. Dario Raniero, Prof. Domenico De Leo, Prof. Stefania Turrina

Forensic Genetic Identification of Human Remains – A quantitative workflow approach adapted for DNA profiling and haplotyping.

Mrs. Mounia - Widad BESSEKRI

Investigation of a Y-chromosome deletion affecting amelogenin-based sex typing in forensics using CE and MPS methods

Dr. Magdalena Marcińska, MSc Agnieszka Parys-Proszek, MSc Maria Wróbel